4ST: Roadmap for the Social Service Sector 2022-2026


The 4ST Playbook

Transforming the Social Service Sector

In the quest to lead and foster positive change in our sector, every stakeholder plays a pivotal role. The 4ST Playbook outlines tangible steps, provides examples and offers creative ideas for all stakeholders to embrace and advance the refreshed 4ST. These actions are underpinned by the essential cultivation of the right mindset, a readiness to continually learn, unlearn and adapt to evolving circumstances and emerging opportunities. This also entails harnessing the power of data and technology while planning for the long term. Leaders, too, hold a crucial role in guiding their organisations through these initiatives by exemplifying these behaviours and moulding the organisational culture.

It's important to note that the Playbook is a living resource and will evolve over time as new ideas and efforts materialise. We welcome you to contribute your own thoughts and examples to enrich this resource. Please reach out to us at planning@ncss.gov.sg to share your insights.

For the best experience, please download and open the 4ST Playbook (Full) PDFs in Adobe Acrobat Reader.

4ST Playbook (Full)


icon Thrust 1: Empowered and included individuals, families, and communities

icon Thrust 2: Effective and impactful social purpose entities

icon Thrust 3: Caring, collaborative, and impactful social service ecosystem

icon Thrust 4: Future-directed social service sector