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Design Thinking in Schools Projects

As a part of the Learning by Design initiative, the Design Education Summit 2023 will happen on Thursday, 9 November 2023 and will be graced by industry professionals and a political holder. Click here to register for the Summit.

At the Summit, we will be showcasing some notable Learning by Design - Design Thinking in Schools projects that Dsg has co-sponsoredWe want you to have a say in designing our showcase! You can now vote for one of the four Projects selected by our Curator, Mr Hans Tan, that you would like to hear more of! 

The chosen project will be represented at the Summit in the following ways:

(i) The school partner of the chosen project will have a 15-min segment to share their experience.

(ii)The design programme partner will get to conduct a 50-min workshop to provide a snippet of the project.

You can find a synopsis of each of the four shortlisted projects below. Cast your precious vote now!

Project 1: BEEPLab x Queensway Secondary School

DESIGN VIA YOU(TH) is a 4-pronged phase programme to reimagine the school's Value in Action process.
We will be sharing how the concepts of architecture was used to revitalise the VIA curriculum, resulting in a shift in mindset for both the students and educators through ‘archi-puncture’ activity to look at situations. Learn how we established new VIA-project relationships with groups like Queenstown Kakis, Rainbow Centre, and Edible Garden City: Bjorn while empowering students to impact the Queenstown neighbourhood. 

Project 2: Forest & Whale x Bedok South Secondary School

"Look for Questions, not answers!" is a curriculum that nurtures an inquiring mind in the climate crisis. The workshops dive into design anthropology (interviewing the elder generation on frugal sustainability in the past), material literacy (analysing plastic waste), behavioural study and visual design skills (to imagine a better recycling system in the school's canteen). 14 teachers are trained in Train-the-Trainers (TTT) sessions, gaining the confidence to teach students about inquiry-based sustainable design thinking. At our workshop, we will study artefacts salvaged from our consumer waste bins to learn about material literacy. 

Project 3: Holotracker x West Spring Primary School, CHIJ St Joseph’s Convent & Nanyang Girls' High School

Today, there is a growing push to focus on the whole-student, including 21st century skills and social-emotional learning. While this is well-established, traditional assessments continue to take centre-stage in how we articulate student growth, limiting how we articulate whole-person progress. Together with our partner schools, we explore innovative ways to evidence and articulate student growth in alignment with the ‘whole-person’. 
Through an introspective workshop, we investigate our emotions and assumptions around articulating whole-student growth. We take on perspectives of the various stakeholders to identify ways to articulate authentic whole-person progress. 

Project 4: Singapore University of Technology & Design x Peicai Secondary School

With a research-backed “Design as a force for change” programme, the Design Innovation team empowered the education community at Peicai Secondary School with Design mindsets and STEAM skills. The programme is fun-filled where J-DIs (Junior Design Innovators, i.e., students) and their advisors, the Council members (educators) tackle real world design challenges involving the community. Fasten your seatbelts as we take you on an adventure to tackle design challenges! With a focus on design skills and mindsets, our workshop trains teachers in integrating design knowledge across subjects and disciplines -- while having fun doing creative problem-solving.

Which project would you wish to learn more about at the Summit? *
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