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All Dormitories Declared Cleared Of COVID-19

81% of Construction, Marine & Process (CMP) Foreign Workers Have Green AccessCode

  1. With effect from today, all dormitories have been declared cleared of COVID-19, with the exception of 17 standalone blocks1 in six Purpose-Built Dormitories (PBDs) which serve as quarantine facilities. This means that all workers living in dormitories have either recovered or have been tested to be free from the virus, except for 22,500 workers in isolation in Centralised Government Quarantine Facilities and the remaining 17 standalone blocks in PBDs.

    81% of Construction, Marine Shipyard and Process (CMP) Foreign Workers have Green AccessCode
  2. Upon COVID-clearance, the dormitory residents will be able to resume work once the dormitory operators, employers and workers have made the necessary preparations2 to do so in a safe manner. With the completion of dormitory clearance, and BCA giving permission for all construction firms to resume work from 10 August 2020, the majority of foreign workers (including dormitory residents) are now able to resume work (i.e. have Green AccessCode).

    Number of CMP dormitory residents (total: 286,000) with Green AccessCode

      Three Weeks Ago
    (21 Jul)
    Last Week
    (4 Aug)
    (11 Aug)
    Number of all CMP foreign workers (total: 387,000) with Green AccessCode 186,000 (48%) 265,000 (68%) 315,000 (81%)
    Number of CMP dormitory residents (total: 286,000) with Green AccessCode 104,000 (36%) 180,000 (63%) 224,000 (78%)
  3. Employers can check the AccessCode status of their workers on the Safe@Work eService. Employers can also refer to the MOM website for the status of cleared dormitories / blocks.


  1. The number of standalone quarantine blocks is down from 18 last week as one of the standalone blocks in Cassia@Penjuru has completed its isolation period and is now cleared of COVID-19.
  2. Refer to MOM’s press release on 10 June 2020 for the details of the three steps.