13 Jun 2023
There have been recent scams, circulating via WhatsApp, inviting recipients to take part in a marketing survey. The survey is purportedly “organized by ACRA” with promise of monetary incentives for participation in the survey.
2. ACRA would like to alert the public that the survey is not commissioned by ACRA. Please do not reply to the WhatsApp message and do not take part in the survey.
3. All surveys commissioned by ACRA will be publicised on our ACRA corporate website and through our social media channels. ACRA surveys will also be housed on FormSG, the government form building tool.
4. To report a scam, please call the Police Hotline at 1800-255-0000, or submit a report at
5. Members of the public are advised to stay vigilant and follow the security practices to protect themselves against scams. Visit or call the Anti-Scam Hotline at 1800-722-6688 for scam-related advice.
Annex A – Examples of screenshots of the fake WhatsApp messages