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At EMA, we invite the industry to participate in initiatives that drive the growth of the energy sector.
To meet growing electricity demand in Singapore, EMA has launched a second Request for Proposal (RFP) for interested companies to build, own and operate two new Combined Cycle Gas Turbines with a capacity of at least 600-megawatt (MW) generation capacity.
EMA is inviting interested power generation companies to apply for this scheme to adopt new and more efficient advanced CCGTs to improve their efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.
Decarbonising the power sector is an important pillar of Singapore's efforts to address climate change. EMA has issued this Request for Proposal to invite interested parties to submit proposals to import up to 4 gigawatts of low-carbon electricity by 2035.
To ensure Singapore has sufficient power generation capacity going forward, EMA has launched a Request for Proposal (RFP) for interested companies to build, own and operate a new Combined Cycle Gas Turbine with a capacity of at least 600-megawatt (MW) generation capacity by end 2027.
EMA and MPA are inviting interested parties to submit proposals under an Expression of Interest (EOI) to build, own and operate low or zero-carbon power generation and bunkering solutions in Jurong Island, Singapore.
To enhance competition in the term supply of regasified liquefied natural gas (LNG), EMA plans to appoint up to 2 additional companies to import and sell regasified LNG alongside the incumbent term importers - ExxonMobil Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd carrying on business as ExxonMobil LNG Asia Pacific, Pavilion Energy Singapore Pte Ltd, Sembcorp Fuels (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. and Shell Eastern Trading (Pte) Ltd.
EMA has issued a Request for Information (RFI) to facilitate a geophysical investigation project to assess the geothermal energy potential across Singapore.
Decarbonising the power sector is an important pillar of Singapore's efforts to address climate change. EMA has issued this Request for Proposal to invite interested parties to submit proposals to import up to 4 gigawatts of low-carbon electricity by 2035.
EMA invites interested parties to submit proposals to trial the import of and sell up to 100MW of electricity in Singapore via the existing interconnector between Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia.
To enhance competition in the term supply of regasified liquefied natural gas (LNG), EMA plans to appoint up to 2 additional companies to import and sell regasified LNG alongside the incumbent term importers - Pavilion Energy Singapore Pte Ltd and Shell Eastern Trading (Pte) Ltd.