Cyberwellness & ICT Learning Resource Centre for Parents at Chung Cheng High School (Main)

Dear Parents and Guardians of Chung Cheng High School (Main) (CCHM),

We understand many of you may be curious about how our students today learn using ICT tools in school. Some of you are facing challenges in managing and advising your children using internet and social media. To add on, mobile and peer gaming is becoming a bigger issue.

Beyond school rules and cyberwellness education, the Student Development Team concludes that the most effective way to inculcate effective cyberwellness and manage cyber-related discipline, is for the school to work closer with our parents.

As part of our partnership approach, the Team decided to take the lead to create this microsite to provide timely information about the latest cyber-threats and social media trends. We also hope this will be a one-stop centre where you can find updated news and resources to learn more about cyberwellness and ICT-related learning in our school.

Thank you for your partnership!

Additional Information for parents during the holidays:

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