
Keeping Cats in HDB Flats and Private Premises

Things for cat owners to note

These changes will take effect from 1 September 2024:


Notice: As pet ownership is a lifelong commitment, owners currently keeping cats beyond the allowable limit can continue to keep their existing pet cats if they apply for licences for their cats during the transition period and ensure that the cats’ health and welfare are being taken care of.


Cats in HDB flats

Up to two cats, as well as one dog of an approved breed (under the Housing and Development Board Animals Rules 1989), are allowed to be kept in any HDB residential unit. You can face a fine of up of to S$4,000 if you fail to comply with HDB’s rule.


Cats in private premises

A maximum of three cats and/or dogs are allowed to be kept in any one private (non-HDB residential, industrial or commercial) premises.


Number of cats allowed per unit of non-HDB residential, industrial or commercial premises

(These changes will take effect from 1 September 2024)
 Date of cat licence application Number of dogs  Number of cats allowed  Maximum number of cats and/or dogs allowed 
 On or after 1 September 2024  0  3  3
 1  2
 2  1
 3  0

Two-year transition period: Licensing and keeping of all existing pet cats 

A two-year transition period will be introduced to allow pet owners to ease into the changes and meet the cat-keeping rules and licensing conditions. The transition period will be from 1 September 2024 to 31 August 2026.


As pet ownership is a lifelong commitment, owners currently keeping cats beyond the allowable limit can continue to keep their existing* pet cats if they apply for licences for their cats during the transition period and ensure that the cats’ health and welfare are taken care of.


*Excluding newly acquired cats (e.g. purchased directly from pet shops) during the transition period.


Cat owners who fail to license their existing pet cats by the end of the transition period will only be allowed to license and keep up to two pet cats in each HDB flat, or up to 3 cats and/or dogs in private premises.


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